Tag: coconut

xmas cookie boxes 2013

xmas cookie boxes 2013

  When I was in college, I used to open my door during final exams and find a box of cookies underfoot.  This meant that Jessica had been hard at work, somehow baking off hundreds of cookies in between studying for and taking exams.  For […]

“recipe adapted” (aka samoas)

“recipe adapted” (aka samoas)

this post is really about homemade samoas, a recipe that i noticed popping up on the blogs a few weeks ago. but first (first?!), a digression about that label on so many blog recipes: “recipe adapted from.” for the samoas, i used graham crackers as […]

how could you not want to eat this?

how could you not want to eat this?

this is a davio macaroon; if this doesn’t inspire instant desire on your part, then you’re a cold, heartless person. look at it! the coconut is all delicious-looking on the inside, no long tendrils of shredded coconut; the outside is golden brown and crispy, and you can see a bit of the translucency from the gloss of the batter; most of all the interior looks so pillowy and soft…this is a work of art.10